Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween Fun

Halloween started earlier in the week with Kennedy's preschool Halloween carnival. They did a trunk-or-treat, games, food, etc. Jake loved the cupcake walk-he didn't really care if he won a cupcake, he just wanted to walk on the colored circles!
Kennedy made a Halloween necklace, played all kinds of carnival games, and had a great time!

Later in the week we went to a pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins and play. Kennedy found this tiny pumpkin for Jake. Too bad he threw it off the hay ride later on :)

Kennedy's favorite part of the pumpkin patch was the "corn maze" made out of hay bales for the little kids. She ran through it at least 5 times, each time coming down the home stretch with this big grin on her face.

I was taking pictures of Brian and Kennedy carving their pumpkins, and Jake kept leaning over, like "hey, take some of me too!" So here he is.
Kennedy & Brian looking serious about this pumpkin. Those black spots are "bruises" Kennedy colored on her pumpkin. Don't ask me why.
This was on our way to our ward trunk-or-treat the night before Halloween.

Kennedy with Braxton, Brandon, and Dillon at the ward trunk-or-treat.