Sunday, December 7, 2008


Things have been crazy lately (are they ever calm?) but tonight Brian lovingly took the kids for a ride so mom could have some down time to herself (lets just say 12 kids in nursery today, and ALL of them tried to climb on the table! Aagghh! No more marshmellows for snack time!)

So what is new here in Nampa? After the eons of time it took for Kennedy to adjust to a "big girl" bed when we moved here, we decided to get a jumpstart on things with Jake. We got him a toddler bed, which we figured would be better for him considering his, uh, vertically challenged genes (he should be able to climb into his own bed, right?) and his tendency to sit up and plop over in the middle of the night about 20 times (didn't want him falling too far). So here are some pictures of Kennedy fixing it up for him in the living room. They had a ball playing together, and scruffie the cat got in on it too. He hid under the bed and the kids would stick their hands under to get punched by the cat. Sound familiar aunt Michelle?

In other news, our good friends and neighbors the Seely's moved to Virginia (greener pastures, for sure) with Micron, so we had a last hurrah at our house with a few friends and their kids. Boy did those kids have fun! I can't believe we fit all of them in our small kitchen! Notice in the picture that Jake is the only one aware of the camera. He can pick out that zooming noise from across a football field, and immediately makes his cheesy camera face. Gotta love it.

This is just a picture Kennedy made the other day on her white board. It's a picture of her and Jake and says "I love Jake." She is so darn sweet with her brother, I'm saving up all of these memories for later....

Another cute thing of late is how well Kennedy and Jake play together. We moved Kennedy's little table into Jake's room, and their new favorite thing to do is color together. Jake LOVES to draw, especially with markers. He even makes sound effects with each swoop of the crayon. And Kennedy makes the sweetest pictures and notes now, she sounds everything out and writes, "To mom, love Kennedy, I love you!" and she'll draw me with a big belly. She always has a big story to tell about her drawings-she has such a good imagination and I just love to listen to her.
Kennedy also recently had her "feast day" at preschool. The kids made all their own pilgrim food just like the pilgrims did, and then all the parents got to come watch. Of course, Jake didn't want to be left out when Kennedy offered him some of her popcorn. He felt pretty big.

And finally, here is Jake, in training to be the next computer whiz at our house. He loves to move the mouse around on the laptop.