Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lucky mom

Leah is the most distracted little eater ever. Even if she's starving, if there is ANYTHING or ANYONE in the room that is even remotely interesting, she won't eat. But if you put her down she'll fuss and chew her hands up like she's starving! Anyway, I was getting ultra frustrated the other day because I knew she was hungry (she hadn't eaten for five hours), I needed to feed her before it was time to take Jake to school because otherwise it would have been another hour before she could eat. But she wouldn't eat. I finally went to her room to feed her in the recliner and I guess I shut her door kind of hard. Kennedy came in and said, "how come you slammed the door mom?" and I just sighed and told her I was frustrated with Leah's eating because it felt like that was all I did some days was try to get her to eat. So Kennedy disappeared for a few minutes and then came back with a giant red heart she had colored just for me. She gave it to me and said, "I know it's hard for you sometimes, Mom, but I still think you're the best mom in the world." Let's just say my eyes were wet and I DID feel like the best mom in the world, but not because of anything I had ever done, but because I was lucky enough to have Kennedy for a daughter, and that she is so insightful and mature for her age in the emotional area; and for that I am very grateful. I felt a lot better after that sweet little gesture and was able to just let the frustration go.

I've had so many people from our ward tell me how much they love Kennedy and when she comes to play how polite she is and thoughtful. They always tell me what a great job I'm doing as a parent, but I have to honestly tell them that it is really just her personality, god-given, that makes her this way. She teaches me so much. Of course she's still just five and she definitely has her moments, but she's entitled to that because, after all, she's just five. Anyway, I just had to share how much I love that little girl and how glad I am to be her mom.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Lucky Kennedy and lucky you. I think Heavenly Father knows what He is doing when He puts families together!! You are a good Mom. I have always admired you. You are a good example and Your kids are the way they are yes, because Heavenly Father made them but also because you have guided them. :0)