Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thanks Susie

My friend Susie has the cutest blog ever, so I stole the silhouette family-maker idea from her blog :) They have some really cute baby countdown tickers too, so all my pregnant friends and relatives, go check it out!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Zoo

We ventured out to the zoo last Saturday, not being able to resist the warm, sunny day. Besides, we had all been feeling a little cabin fever as of late, and our season pass was still good for another two months or so. Brian and I decided to surprise the kids and not tell them where we were going, which turned out to be pretty fun when they saw where we were. I could tell Jake was a little apprehensive about actually being where the animals are ("Zoo Train" is one of his favorite Signing Time Videos). One of the first animals we saw was a Gibbon Monkey, who was swinging and flinging himself all around the pen, much to our delight. But Jake took a little while to decide that the monkey couldn't get out of his cage afterall. Once he realized the animals were tucked safely inside their cages, he loosened up and enjoyed himself.

Jake "roarrring" like a Lion.Kennedy just being her cute little self.
Kennedy's favorite part of the zoo-the giraffe slide.

I love this picture. It makes me laugh to see Jake's spaghetti-stained face.
Kenney is such a good sister to Leah. She's always trying to make her laugh, and Leah is usually willing to oblige.
Jake being a ground squirrel.

A little love. I should have included the next photo, which is of Kennedy grabbing and pulling back on Jake's head to try and turn him toward the camera, stretching his face out like in that game we used to play when we were little-"faster daddy, faster!" (do you remember that one?)

Kennedy's turn to roar like a tiger.

Brian was trying to see how close he could get to the goose. I, of course, had the camera rolling, expecting a chase. No such luck. Leah didn't want to have anything to do with the creature anyway.

I went to Stake Conference with Kennedy on Sunday while Brian stayed home with the runny noses. Kennedy jammed every single Friend Magazine she owned into her backback to bring with her. I can honestly say she spent the entire two hours head-bent reading her Friend Magazines. After about an hour and a half she leaned over to me and said, "mom, this is really keeping me reverent, huh?" She cracks me up. It was really nice to hear the whole meeting and actually be able to think about what was being said. Our former bishop, who is now in the stake presidency, talked about an experience he had as a young boy teasing another boy with his friends because the boy was "slow" and walked a little different. Then he realized that he wasn't doing the right thing. So he invited the boy to play with him, and became good friends with him. He went on to encourage the youth to reach out to those around them. He told them how people need and deserve their friendship and love. And I sat there and cried because I felt like he was up there advocating for my little boy. Then I thought back to the last Primary training we had: it was all on children with disabilities. The last General Primary meeting that was in this area, when one of the Primary leaders from SLC came, was all about kids with disabilities. The church has an incredible website all about kids with disabilities and how teachers can better teach them ( It made me think that I belong to an awesome church. It's not a perfect church-no church is-but the One who the church teaches about is. And for that, I am grateful.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kennedy rides the bike!

Today Kennedy was bored while I was reading a book so I told her to make a birthday wish list. After writing down "hula hoop", she wrote "practice riding my bike with no training wheels." So today dad took them off, and within an hour she was riding on her own! It was a proud moment for her dad and a relief for me (she's always been so tentative about things like that, but Brian says she gets it from me because I don't like to ride fast on my bike downhill. Oh well:) Anyway, it was a great day for Kennedy today. Another big step toward independence. It made me think of all the bike rides I took as a kid. I remember riding to Tom's to buy a candybar. We rode to Kings all the time to look at all their toys and goodies. Sometimes we'd stop in the petshop to look around. We rode to the school all the time, since it was only a block away, to play on the big toy. Lots of good memories on the bike, and it's fun to think of all the ones Kennedy will make now. Time to go for our first big bike ride in the neighborhood together!

On a completely unrelated side note....Brian and kennedy have been setting a cat trap since we've had a few stray cats around the yard and field behind our house. They've been using canned cat food to attract the cats to the trap. Well today I got out some roasted red pepper hummus to dip my celery in (which is delicious by the way), and Kennedy asked if she could have some. So she came over and dipped her celery in the hummus and said, "it kind of looks like cat bait, mom." Hmm. I guess i wasn't too hungry anyway....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Random Video to Make You Laugh

It is a moment like this that makes me so glad to be a mom. What did we laugh at before we had kids? Oh yes, other people's kids!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Leah turned One! and other things in life...

A little light reading....ON the bookshelf?

My shaggy girl

Kennedy and Jake made some fishing poles to catch those pesky fish that are swimming around my bedroom. Go figure. (I couldn't get it to upload facing the right way)

Caught one!

I was busy in the kitchen and when I came to check on Jake I found this. He had set up a picnic for his animals, complete with a table, "cookies", and utensils. He has a great imagination.

Leah's big day! One year old. I think it's funny that Kennedy is in the background opening Leah's presents, and Leah is trying to open the present her Aunt sent to Kennedy. I guess the grass is always greener...

I love this picure because it captures the essence of Kennedy and Jake....Kennedy regulating the candle-blowing situation, and Jake giving me the "she's doing it again, mom" look.
Leah's rainbow cake. Jake called it her "happy day". I agree.
Leah has a great relationship with the bookcase. It's a great entertainer.
Kennedy and Jake got to camp out in the living room because mom and dad were too tired to set up the tent outside in the cold backyard. Good thing they were willing to compromise.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Missing You

So Brian is leaving Tuesday for Florida for the HPBA (Hearth, Patio & BBQ) show. He won't be home until Saturday. I guess it is a good sign that after almost 11 years of marriage I can say that I already miss him. He is mopey today too, after playing with the kids and knowing how much he'll miss them while he's gone. I think it's cute. One thing that I always knew about Brian was what a good dad he would be. He has definitely proved me right. A million different things come to mind in that regard, but a quick example happened the other night when Leah woke up in the middle of the night crying a sad little cry like she had just had a terrible dream. He rushed to her crib and came back about 10 minutes later. I asked if she was okay and he said, "she just needed her dad." So true.

And on the humerous side, today he was taking a nap on the couch while I played with the kids. Kennedy and Leah were in the other room, when Leah started fussing. Kennedy shouted, "Leah needs help getting out of the toy mess" (she was stuck in the corner where the two couches meet, with toys all around her). Brian shot off the couch like someone had just tazered him and started running in the direction of Leah's voice. When he woke up and looked a little dazed, he said "Leah's stuck in the toilet?!" I just laughed and laughed. What a good dad to jump up when he thought his little girl was stuck in the toilet.

So we'll miss you daddy. Bring us back some Florida sunshine, will you?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some miscellaneous stuff

No time like the present to update the old blog:

A random photo of Leah, who will be turning one this Friday!Kennedy on her annual sledding trip with "the gals" (her friends who are twin sisters).

Kennedy "sledding" down the mountain near Idaho City. What you don't see is that her dad pushed her down and that when she gets to the bottom, she's going to let him have it!My poor kids. What mother doesn't have coal for eyes, a carrot for a nose and a pipe for a mouth? I guess there is nothing wrong with brocolli eyes, a cucumber nose, and sweetart mouth (thank goodness for old Halloween candy!)

The only problem they had was building the snowman before the snow all melted.

Kennedy busy at work with the Halloween candy. Jake busy at work trying to EAT the old Halloween candy.

I went to check on Kennedy in the bath the other day and this is what I found.

Then there is Jake. Sweet, messy, lovable, funny Jake. He's working hard to learn his words!

Let's just say he enjoys his food....don't ask me what it is he is eating because I have no idea.

This is his "train" and he gets very upset when Leah tries to throw stuff into his train.
Notice how Leah has already unloaded the dishtowel drawer and has moved on to the lid drawer. Hmm.

Then we haveLeah, the shaggy-haired, lightning-handed, free-spirited sweetie that loves to leave a path of destruction in her wake. If you need to find Leah, just follow the piles...

She also loves to tackle her brother and sister.

Funny. After posting all these photos I'm beginning to see why I am so tired by the time the weekend comes :)