Sunday, March 14, 2010

Leah turned One! and other things in life...

A little light reading....ON the bookshelf?

My shaggy girl

Kennedy and Jake made some fishing poles to catch those pesky fish that are swimming around my bedroom. Go figure. (I couldn't get it to upload facing the right way)

Caught one!

I was busy in the kitchen and when I came to check on Jake I found this. He had set up a picnic for his animals, complete with a table, "cookies", and utensils. He has a great imagination.

Leah's big day! One year old. I think it's funny that Kennedy is in the background opening Leah's presents, and Leah is trying to open the present her Aunt sent to Kennedy. I guess the grass is always greener...

I love this picure because it captures the essence of Kennedy and Jake....Kennedy regulating the candle-blowing situation, and Jake giving me the "she's doing it again, mom" look.
Leah's rainbow cake. Jake called it her "happy day". I agree.
Leah has a great relationship with the bookcase. It's a great entertainer.
Kennedy and Jake got to camp out in the living room because mom and dad were too tired to set up the tent outside in the cold backyard. Good thing they were willing to compromise.


Susie said...

I love these pictures!! I am always smiling after reading your posts!! I can relate to the "all the books on the floor and kids in the bookshelf" and also how one mother's the other and the look Jake gives ya! Paige is totally Kennedy and Maren is unfortunately in Jake's position!! Too funny!

mickeykate said...

Love the pics! Can hardly believe Leah is 1! I like how the cat found the soft spot and got in on the camp out action. You have the cutest kids. Kennedy's magic trick is priceless!!