Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lakeview Park Swim

We took an evening visit to Lakeview Park here in Nampa on July 1st for a swim.  It was kind of nice to go in the evening because Brian could come with us and the pool wasn't as crowded.  Leah and Jake spent most of their time in the shallows, trading off sitting on the wall and splashing their feet with shouting at Kennedy in the deeper end with dad.

I just can't get enough of this girl's little chubby body.  She moves at a million miles-per-hour and I love it.  She really loved the pool and stayed in until her lips were purple and feet were raisins.

Kennedy was just happy to finally go swimming at a real pool instead of the backyard.  She pulled dad all around the deeper parts, having fun getting splashed by the toys that collect water and dump it on your head. 

Gearing up for some feet-splashing.  No obstacle can get in Leah's way.

Just had to get one more shot in of those kissable cheeks and chunky legs.


Susie said...

WE LOVE Lakeview! It's our ALL-TIME FAVORITE!! I have not been able to find another pool the girls like as much as they do that one. I just love your kidos!!

Rita Merrick said...

I love baby bum cheeks! Poor Lauren gets her chubby little ones squeezed by me all the time.