Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A lot of Randomness

Oh boy, it's been a long time since I've posted.  The year is quickly wrapping up and quite frankly, there are a lot of things this year I don't want to remember (hence I won't write about them), but there are even more things I do.  Namely, my awesome little family.  Also a few great trips to see extended family in Utah.  And of course the fact that we have a roof over our heads, food to eat, and our health.  And speaking of food to eat,  I am, at this very moment, eating a concoction of goodness that a good friend brought over last night that includes popcorn coated in some kind of creamy, candycane goodness with mini chocolate chips.  YUM!

I am going to try and update the blog a bit during the holidays, so here is my first attempt.  These photos come from a day on September 1st of this year when we were just playing outside.

 This was really fun because it was the first time these two had gotten on the tire swing together.  They loved it and were laughing a lot and having a great time.

(of course they had to come in for a big drink.  Jake and Leah always have to stand in the same way and the same spot when they're both getting a drink.  It's usually standing against the kitchen cupboards, but this day they decided to shake things up a bit, I guess).
        This is a lame post (besides the adorable pictures), but I'll publish it anyway.  It must be because it's not midnight or something :)

1 comment:

Corinn and Trent Seely said...

Your posts are aways good Becky. Your lawn looks great! I love seeing what you have been up to. Miss you lots.