Tuesday, December 21, 2010

October Part II

Jake's first day riding the bus to his preschool was a big moment for both of us.  Jake had been asking every day since he started when it would be his turn to ride the bus.  Finally we got all the paperwork in order and he was a legitimate student who could ride the bus!  Jake's expressions say it all:

I love this one-is he happy, or in pain??? 

That last one was a hard moment for me.  I was so excited for him to finally get to ride the bus, but also felt a great "letting go" moment as he took a major step toward preschool independence!  I am so grateful for all of the therapies and teachers Jake has experienced in his short 4 years, but it has also required that I let go of some things much earlier than I ever wanted to.  Like when he started at Jumpstart when he was still a few months from his third birthday.  I never thought I'd leave my 2-year-old for three hours a day for therapies!  And now riding the bus, yet another moment I didn't think I'd see before my child was in kindergarten.  Life is full of the unexpected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish he was still this excited about getting on the bus! He is a little stinker! But so loveable. Wish I could give him a hug right now.