Monday, August 2, 2010

Independence Day 2010

We started our day out with the Annual Ward Breakfast and kids parade.  Here's Kennedy with her good friend Kamille. 

Getting ready to start the parade.  Kennedy was so excited because she brought some candy in her bike basket to throw to the crowd :)  Leah and Jake rode in the wagon that Brian pulled.

Here comes the parade!

Leah and Jake were content to watch the parade as long as they had suckers.

The Bishop gave all of the kids either sparklers or pops to do later that night, which was really fun.

Later that morning we took Kennedy's good friend Camden with us to the Melba parade.  This is a tiny farm town south of Nampa that puts on a huge Independence Day celebration.  I think these two came home with about five pounds of candy.  (I guess the pops didn't last until night time).

This was the other way to pass the time waiting for the parade to start: attack Brian!

I don't know how many pictures we have of this boy in this exact position...if he has a dirt pile to sit in, he's happy.

Finally, the parade begins!  Brian and I were cracking up because we cold hear Kennedy and Camden formulating plans as to how to get the most candy.  I guess it's good they're still little and cute, because it worked!

Leah was a little unsure of the really noisy floats, but overall she did great.

Jake showed Leah what to do, and they were so cute waving to everyone, especially the horses.

1 comment:

Susie said...

GOODNESS! I didn't know you guys were headed out to Melba! From the looks of where you were we were just around the corner. BUMMER! It was a great parade and a fun little celebration. WE need to get up there to see you guys.