Monday, August 2, 2010

Preece Family Reunion and Utah Trip

Jake and Leah are both napping, so I figured this is my best time to keep blogging! (who wants to do houswork, anyway?)

July 17th weekend we headed down to Utah to visit our families and go to the Preece family reunion held at Brian's parents house.  The big attraction?  The giant water slide on Grandpa's hill.  From top to bottom are Brooklyn, Kennedy, Emily, Rachel and Allie, all waiting to go through the shoot of Uncle Michael's legs, where they get an extra push to the bottom.

Here they are coming out the other side!

Kennedy had a ball this year on the water slide.  They probably spent a couple hours (or more?) going up and down, up and down.

The grown-ups got in on the action too, although I don't think any of them actually changed into their swimsuits.  Hmm.

Jake wasn't ready to try it out this year, but he had fun anyway being co-captain at the head of the slide with Grandpa.

Kennedy, Brooklyn and Emily going at it again!

Best cousins.  Kennedy is always telling me how much she wishes she lived closer to Emily.

This is fun!

Jake's favorite thing this summer is the hose, so any time he gets to man one, he's happy.  It's even better if he's with his Grandpa and only boy cousin, Hyrum!

Grandma Preece sneaks a snuggle with Jake.  He's lovin' it!

We also took a visit to the Layton park to feed the ducks with cousins.  It's a good thing Aunt Amy brought a whole bag of rolls, because Jake threw them pretty quickly and usually in only two pieces.

Emily, Jessica, Allie, Kennedy, Rachel and Jake.

I feel bad I didn't take too many pictures while we were there, but I was trying to just enjoy the break!  We had a great time at Grandma Peterson's house too (a.k.a. Grandma in the Rock House), with the kids sleeping out back in Grandma's tent with the Page cousins.  Brenna came over for breakfast and a day with Kennedy too, and they always have fun.  Jake walked Grandpa Peterson into the ground and gave him a hero's welcome everytime he walked into the room.  Leah held out on everyone and refused to let people hold or snuggle her.  Aunt Michelle was the only one who got her to sit on her lap!  But Leah had a blast playing with her cousins and flirting with everyone who talked to her.
We also went with the Page cousins to see Toy Story 3, the final Toy Story movie.  Jake is obsessed with all things Toy Story right now, so it was fun to take him to the movies.  He liked it, except the scary part where they are falling into the burn pile at the dump; that's when he got out of his seat to head for Grandpa's lap, where he stayed until it was over.
Kennedy had fun taking Grandpa Preece's tractor for a ride and even scooping some dirt with it.  Jake liked watching (maybe next summer he'll get on it!)  We enjoyed a nice lunch at Taggarts with Grandma and Grandpa Preece before we headed home to Idaho.

1 comment:

Susie said...

What a cool slide!! Looks like such a fun reunion!