Sunday, August 15, 2010

Settler's Park

We took the kids to Settler's Park in Meridian a couple weeks ago after work.  They have a little splash pad area and a huge playground area.  It took a while for Leah and Jake to decide the fountains were okay, so they spent the first part of our time there splashing in the puddles and around the drains.

Jake got braver and decided to stick his chest in the water.  Notice how Leah is watching carefully...

So she thought Jake was drinking the water, and figured that was a great idea!

She was quite proud of herself.

More drain-sitting and splashing.

This was Jake's favorite fountain.  He made himself the official "button-pusher" when the fountain would shut off so that all the kids could play in it. 

Kennedy leaned over to kiss her Dad when he got there and in doing so pushed her very loose tooth out!  You can see the hole on her bottom front.

The park also has these fun outdoor musical instruments you can play.

This was a really neat cloud that we saw on our flight down to Utah a week ago.

And this is how Leah spent her first flight.  She was wired in the airport for an hour before the flight, got all excited and a little nervous when we sat down in our seats on the plane, and then as soon as the engines fired up for takeoff, she nodded off to dreamland.

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